10 ways to win over his parents
10 ways to win over his parents
There are easier ways to win them over if you work on your attitude.

You've got him twirled round your little finger. But what about his parents? Your equation with them need not be something out of a Ben Stiller Meet The Parents movie.

There are easier ways to win them over if you work on your attitude.

1. Meet the parents first

...and then decide for yourself. Your relatives and friends might have tons of anecdotes to share from 'personal' experience on how their in-laws did this and that. Don't let their negativity influence you. You wouldn't want to be stereotyped yourself, would you?

2. Go for the 'best' first impression

You may have a heart of gold, but the packaging still counts. So make the effort to look right. I know someone who is a jeans and t-shirt, no frills, kind of girl. Yet, when she met her fiancé's parents, she readily swapped her denims with a 'decent' salwar kurta. I'm sure the smile on her future in-laws' faces made it all worth it.

3. Find out what they like

Everybody likes a gift. And it doesn't have to be an expensive one. For instance, a Bengali friend of mine, always carries good ol' Kolkata rossogollas for her pa-in-law in Jaipur. It's a simple gesture that wins her brownie points.

4. Stoop to conquer

If your guy thinks his mom's aloo parathas are out of this world, don't get competitive. By conceding defeat, you actually win his mom's heart. The added bonus is that she'll enjoy cooking for you as well. A word of caution: make sure the dish you're complimenting is indeed cooked by his mom and not her maid!

5. Communication is the key

Phoebe from the popular serial friends told her would be ma-in-law that her son was great in bed! While you obviously don't have to reveal your bedroom secrets, remember that moms love to discuss their sons and they especially want to hear good things. So don't forget to tell her how caring, responsible and competent he is.


6. Set boundaries

While it's great to keep his parents in the loop, too much interference can ruin a relationship.

I've heard one tale too many of the remote control mom-in-law -- the kind who sits in, say Bangalore and runs the daughter-in-law's home in Mumbai. So draw the lines early on to avoid confusion and heartburn later.

7. Find yourself a gang of girls to bitch

Remember, complaining to your man about his parents is a strict no-no. If you must vent, find a gang of sympathetic girls and let off that steam.

8. Respect their rules

When you visit them, let them run the house their way -- don't try to run it for them. Or, if you have moved in with them, don't try to change the rules overnight.

9. Ask for advice

Parents have a fountain of experience, and they are ever ready to dispense their wisdom. Instead of dismissing his folks as "know-it-alls", bowl them over by listening to them. Who knows, you may pick up a thing or two!

10. Be sweet but be yourself

While it's important to make a good impression, don't pretend to be someone you're not. That way, they won't be shocked, when you begin to let your hair down.

Lastly, remember, if your guy is that good, the people who made him, literally, can't be all that bad. Right?

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