- The ???? (beans) emoji mainly represents kidney beans and other legumes. Use it to share recipes and talk about your favorite meals.
- You can also use the ???? (beans) emoji to say “Cool beans!” if you want to agree with someone and “Spill the beans!” when you want them to share a secret.
- The ???? (beans) emoji can also refer to the flatulence caused by eating beans. You can share funny stories about passing gas with the emoji.
What does the ???? (beans) emoji mean?
The ???? (beans) emoji can refer to a wide variety of actual beans. This emoji depicts brown kidney beans, so its most basic meaning is pretty straightforward. It can also stand in for any kind of bean or legume used in recipes around the world, from black beans to coffee beans. If your mention legumes, the ???? emoji will make your point clear. “Had beans and rice for dinner tonight. SO good! ????” “I cannot get enough of these new black bean burgers from the store!! ????”
The ???? (beans) emoji is also associated with flatulence. Many beans can famously give you gas and cause bloating after you eat them. While the effect isn’t harmful, it can cause noticeable flatulence, making beans the subject of many jokes over the years. “Okay, remind me never to eat beans on a date again. ????” “Eating black bean tacos with my dad is hilarious. He really can't control the gas, LOL. ????”
A ???? (beans) emoji sometimes symbolizes secrets. Ever heard someone say, “Spill the beans”? It’s a popular phrase that basically means, “Tell me your secret!” When someone can tell you know something they don’t, they might ask you to “Spill the beans” and give them whatever information they’re missing. “Hey! Do you know what’s going on with Gabby? Spill the ????!” “I was told you’re the one to ask about plans this weekend, so spill the beans! ????????”
A ???? (beans) emoji can refer to the popular slang term “Cool beans.” This phrase is essentially just an exclamation of delight or approval. “Cool beans” is more or less the same as saying “Cool”—it just has a bit more flavor for those who like using fun slang in their vocabulary. Someone might approve of something you said by saying, “Cool beans!” Person 1: “The Elder Scrolls is my favorite game series!” Person 2: “Oh cool ????! I love that series!” The ???? emoji can also be used with a slang term that originated in Britain, "full of beans," which means that someone is lively or high-spirited. For example, you could text someone, "You're so full of ????!"
The ???? (beans) emoji can mean money or a small amount of something. “Beans” used to be an old-fashioned term for American money, and you might occasionally see someone text the word “beans” instead of “dollars” to say they have a small sum of money with them. However, this isn’t a super common phrase anymore—the ???? emoji is more commonly associated with the above meanings. “Spent a few beans at the grocery store today. ????” “How much is the food at that restaurant? I only have a few beans to spend today. ????”
Using the ???? (Beans) Emoji
Use the ???? (beans) emoji to talk about foods with beans in them. Whether you’re sharing a delicious recipe or gushing about a great meal you had, you can send someone the ???? emoji if that dish has any kind of legume in it. You can also use the ???? emoji when talking generally about vegetarian or vegan food since meatless dishes tend to rely on legumes and other plants for nutrition. “Hey, did you still want that burrito recipe? Can confirm it’s absolutely delicious! ????” “Thinking of going vegetarian. I’ve always liked veggies better than meat anyway! ????????????????????”
Joke about flatulence caused by beans using the ???? (beans) emoji. When you (or someone around you) eat enough beans to get gassy, you can always share a few witty observations about it. Use the ???? emoji to describe bean-related gas and the funny after-effects in your texts. “Okay, big sis officially ate too many beans tonight! ????????” “How bad do you think I’d sound if I got a second helping of beans? ????????”
Encourage someone to “Spill the beans” using the ???? (beans) emoji. Are you dying of curiosity to uncover someone's juicy secret? You could always ask them to share with you by sending a friendly “Spill the beans!” message. Just remember to send this message in good fun, not put pressure on someone—and be gracious if they choose not to share. Person 1: “Well, I finally know why Alec quit so suddenly last week.” Person 2: “You do?! Then spill the beans ASAP! ????”
Use the ???? (beans) emoji to tell a friend, “Cool beans.” If the person you’re texting says something that you agree with enthusiastically (or something you think is interesting and fun), you could reply by saying, “Cool beans!” This is a fun way to either let them know you liked what they said or agree to something specific, like plans to hang out. Person 1: “So, how does Friday at 8 pm sound for a movie night?” Person 2: “Cool beans!! ???? Should I bring anything?”
Use the ???? (beans) emoji to describe a small sum of money. Keep in mind that beans typically don’t refer to large amounts of cash. Rather, you could write “beans” in place of “dollars” to playfully tell someone you have (or have spent) a little bit of money recently. Person 1: “Wanna hit up Starbucks with me?” Person 2: “Sorry, I can’t! Spend my last few beans this week on a new shirt. ????”
Responding to the ???? (Beans) Emoji
Chat about favorite legumes (beans) and recipes if the subject comes up. When someone else brings up beans and other delicious veggies by using the ???? emoji, you could always ask them for a recipe recommendation. Or, if they’re excited about a specific dish, ask them how you can make it yourself. Person 1: “Who knew beans and noodles could be so tasty in a stew? ????” Person 2: “Ooh, color me intrigued! Can you share the recipe?”
Laugh along when someone shares a joke about beans and flatulence. When you get a message about someone’s funny encounter with bean-related gas, the easiest way to reply is simply to laugh (or send a laughing emoji). If there’s a whole story attached, you might also request more details or ask what happened next. Person 1: “Well, that’s the last time I bring beans to work for lunch. ????????” Person 2: “LOL. What happened??”
Agree or decline to share a secret when you’re asked to “Spill the beans.” If the person you’re messaging tells you to “Spill the beans” over a story or a secret they don’t know, you could always go ahead and tell them to sate their curiosity. On the other hand, you certainly aren’t obligated to tell them, so decide if you feel like spilling the beans or not. Person 1: “You have a crush on someone? Spill the ????!!” Person 2: “Haha, fine. I’ll tell, but don’t say anything to them yet, okay?” Person 1: “I promise! So, who is it?”
Send a casual, upbeat response when someone texts you, “Cool beans.” Keep in mind that if someone says “Cool beans” over text, they’re really just agreeing with you or appreciating what you said. Your response could be anything from a simple ???? (smiley face) emoji or ???? (thumbs up) emoji to a quick “Great!” or “Glad you agree!” If it’s part of a larger conversation, you can also continue the chat. Person 1: “I think I’d like to do a Lord of the Rings movie marathon soon!” Person 2: “Cool beans!! ???? I am so down. Those movies are great!” Person 1: “Yay! ???? So, do any weekends this month work for you…?”
Talk money if the ???? (beans) emoji is used to refer to financial matters. Normally, talking about finances isn’t common over text or instant messages—but if your friend brings it up, there’s nothing wrong with continuing the discussion. If they’re commiserating about something (since the ???? emoji usually refers to a small amount of money), you could also offer your sympathy. Person 1: “Ugh, freelancing was NOT as profitable as I was hoping this month. I feel like I just have beans in my pocket. ????” Person 2: “I’m sorry to hear that! If you want help looking for other jobs, let me know—I might have a few leads. ????”
Combinations with the ???? Emoji
Pair the ☕️ (coffee) and ???? (beans) emojis to talk about coffee. Are you a coffee aficionado? Do you love letting people know when you’ve found a delicious new coffee flavor? You can use the ☕️ and ???? emojis—which essentially stand for “coffee beans” when you put them together—to discuss your favorite caffeinated drink. “Oh my GOSH. I just found the perfect coffee at a local cafe. I’m buying some to take home! ☕️ ????” “Hey, where’d you get those coffee beans you used last weekend? I want some for myself! ☕️ ????”
Use the ???????????? emojis to describe embarrassing flatulence. If the ???? emoji isn’t enough and you’d like to be even more descriptive, try stringing together the ???? (beans), ???? (flushed face), and ???? (cloud) emojis. Whether you passed gas at the wrong time or saw somebody else do it, the ???????????? emojis can depict exactly what happened. Person 1: “So, you’ll never guess what happened during the meeting today.” Person 2: “What?” Person 1: “????????????” Person 2: “OMG. ????”
Text someone the ???????????? emojis to reference “Jack and the Beanstalk.” Remember the old English fairy tale where a young boy climbs up a giant beanstalk and steals a giant’s gold? Using the ???? (person), ???? (beans), and ???? (leaf) emoji together is a quick and easy way to describe the story while messaging someone. Person 1: “Who’s your favorite character in Into the Woods?” Person 2: “I’ve always been partial to Jack and the Beanstalk! ????????????”
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