What Do Purple Candles Mean? Plus, How to Use Them In Magick Spells
What Do Purple Candles Mean? Plus, How to Use Them In Magick Spells
Purple candles are believed to improve your spiritual awareness and mystical knowledge, helping you access higher consciousness. They possess powerful energies that can be harnessed in candle rituals, whether you want to attract luck, wealth, or enlightenment. In this article, we'll teach you all about the spiritual powers of purple candles, including what they symbolize, the significance of different hues, and how to perform the perfect candle spell.
Things You Should Know
  • Purple candles signify psychic power, mystical knowledge, and spiritual growth and awareness.
  • Use dark purple candles to foretell the future, light purple candles to promote healing and compassion, and burgundy candles to increase passion and motivation in your life.
  • To perform a purple candle spell, set an intention, dress your candle in oil, and chant your intentions aloud as you light your candle to amplify its magick.

What do purple candles mean?

Psychic power and spiritual awareness Many people believe that purple candles open up the third eye and crown chakras, expanding your intuition and mystical knowledge. If you’re trying to grow spiritually, light a purple candle to connect to your spirit guides, access higher consciousness, and protect yourself from evil. In Catholicism, purple candles are lit during Advent and Lent to symbolize penance. People typically pray, fast, or give alms to show their devotion to God.

Purple Candle Uses by Color

All purple candles are used to improve spiritual awareness, divination, intuition, visualization, manifestation, creativity, prosperity, tranquility, emotional balance, psychic development, and astral travel, plus uncover mystical knowledge and protect yourself from injustice. Light purple candles are used to promote healing, compassion, blessings, and witchcraft, plus connect with your Higher Self and achieve enlightenment. Medium purple candles are used to improve divination and astral workings, plus promote good luck, wisdom, success, and justice (Jupiter magick). Dark purple candles are used for scrying, divining, and clairvoyance (foretelling the future), plus promoting ambition, success, and taking risks. Burgundy candles are used to improve passion, strength, motivation, energy, and manifestation.

Purple Candle Correspondences

Planets: Jupiter, Saturn, Moon Deities: Zeus, Jove, Hecate, Dionysus, Bacchus, Athena, Shiva, Odin, Oya Zodiac sign: Sagittarius Tarot card: Temperance Numerology: 7 and 8 Chakras: Third eye and crown Angel: Zadkiel (Angel of Mercy) Day: Thursday Candle pairings: Yellow, orange, and green candles

When to Burn a Purple Candle

Thursdays, on a Full or New Moon Purple candles draw most of their energy from Jupiter, which is connected to Thursdays, so burn a candle on this day if you need extra luck or spiritual guidance. Performing candle magick during a Full Moon can help remove negative energy from your life, while burning a candle on a New Moon is ideal for manifestation and setting intentions. Alternatively, perform a purple candle ritual on Mondays to activate the third eye chakra and tap into your psychic abilities.

How to Perform a Purple Candle Spell

Sit in a quiet room and set your intentions. Use smoke or sage incense to clear the energy in the room. Reflect on what you want to achieve, then state your desires out loud in the present or future tense.

Dress your candle with essential oils, herbs, and crystals. Coat your hands with a few drops of oil, then dress your candle from top to bottom. When your candle is evenly coated, dust dried herbs near the base. If you like, place your candle next to a crystal that meets your goals. Complementary oils: Clary sage (for vivid dreams and relaxation), lavender (for spiritual protection), peppermint (for grounding and cleansing), ylang-ylang (for spiritual awakening), frankincense (for calmness) Complementary gemstones: Amethyst (for spiritual awareness and intuition), lepidolite (for emotional balance), sugilite (for positive energy), lapis lazuli (for clarity and wisdom), ruby (for energy and creativity), black onyx (for healing and protection) Complementary herbs: Lavender (for healing and cleansing), orris root (for success), star anise and bay leaf (for psychic vision), jasmine (for lucid dreaming), Palo Santo (for meditation and spiritual growth), mandrake root (for protection)

Light your candle and chant a magick spell. Come up with a song about what you want to attract, or repeat the same statement over and over. Light the wick of your candle, then close your eyes and visualize your ideal future. Repeat the spell aloud to solidify your intentions.

Read the flame, then blow out your candle. Different movements and sounds can tell you whether your spell has been performed successfully, so look at your candle for one minute to determine the flame’s meaning. Tall and steady flame: Your spell will come true soon. Weak flame: You have to overcome obstacles to reach your goal. No flame: Attempt your spell at another time. Heart-shaped flame: A loved one is thinking of you. Blue flame: A spirit is near and wants to help you. White flame: Peace, healing, and prosperity are heading your way. Smoking flame: You’re looking at things from the wrong perspective. Flickering or jumping flame: Your spell is full of energy and emotion. Crackling or popping flame: Your spirits are trying to communicate with you. Dancing flame: Your message has been received but will take time to carry out.

Examples of Purple Candle Spells

For financial success: “Extra money come my way, I could use a little cash today. Extra money come to me. As I will, so it shall be.”

For motivation and mental clarity: “Clear my brain, clear my mind. I can focus, I can grind. There’s nothing getting in my way of achieving greatness every day.”

For good health and healing: “I am healthy, balanced, and full of energy. My body feels better every day.”

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