How to Write a Texas Format Essay
How to Write a Texas Format Essay
A great structure which can be used to help write an essay is the TEXAS format. This is actually necessary in the New Zealand system of qualifications.[1]
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It's also a great way to structure an essay. However, many people don't know how to use it. If you've missed a few lessons at school, this article can help you catch up.

Formulate your argument. There's no harm in planning your essay, you are normally given spare paper to do this in an exam situation. You will be marked up if the examiner can see that you followed some kind of process of planning. Once you have your ideas, create a rough essay plan, detailing where you will put your arguments and what examples you will use to back it up. Once you've done that, you can begin writing the actual essay.

The Introduction. This a five line paragraph that tells the reader what you're going to talk about. The first line should state the problem you're arguing about. Some examples might be, "Teenage drivers are irresponsible," or "Saddam Hussein deserved to be executed." You need to tell the reader you're talking about this before you actually talk about it. You'll also need to remember to: Mention your individual points. But try not to describe them. Just briefly mentioning them is fine. Banter, a brief sentence that is not quite on topic is a must.Don't make your introduction too long. Try to keep to five lines, seven at the most. An essay I wrote about Overcrowded Roads began thus: "Traffic Jams have become an issue in New Zealand. This is because of overcrowded roads, and is quite a problem in centers such as Auckland. Several government initiatives have been introduced to solve the problem, such as more roads, better traffic management and more public transport. However, I don't think these are the best solutions."Notice how the first line grabs the readers attention. I then go on to elaborate, revealing the actual issue I'm talking about. Then I mention the government initiatives (banter) and then set out my three main points in order of appearance. I tie off the paragraph by expressing my view. Your introduction needs to be a subliminal contents page. The reader has to know where you going before you go there. A common mistake people make in essay writing is saying, "In this essay I will talk about..." You will almost certainly be marked down for this. Be imaginative in replacing this phrase.

The Body Paragraphs. This is where you'll do your arguing. You should have at least three of these. More is good, but you may run out of time if you go too long. This is where TEXAS really comes into play. Here's what TEXAS stands for: T - stands for Topic. Here you state what you'll be talking about in the paragraph. It only needs to be one line, just enough to specify what you're talking about. E - stands for Explain. Here you will elaborate on your Topic, giving the reader more information about what it is. One line will do here, but two is more beneficial for your mark. X - stands for Example. This is where your paragraph comes to the crunch. You will have to use a real example. If you're to a Response to Literature, you'll need a real quote. If you're doing a formal writing essay you'll be able to get away with a looser interpretation of the word 'real'. You necessarily be judged on the content of your quote, but more on how you use it to back up your argument. A - stands for Analysis. Here you discuss how your example backs up your argument. Two lines is a good bet here, the more you show how much you understand your example the better. Feel free to start it off with, 'This shows how..." or "Here we see..." You shouldn't get marked down particularly, but you'll get marked up for a more original link. S - stands for Summary. This often means repeating your Topic statement with more affirmative grammar. Rearranging the words never hurt either.Put all of this together and you get a TEXAS paragraph. A paragraph trying to prove overcrowding on roads might go: "New Zealand roads are seriously overcrowded. Everyone owns a car, and everyone uses them.This has lead to crowded streets and more traffic jams. A government report released in 2006 showed a 20% increase in traffic jams over the last 10 years. This is the direct result of too many cars on the road, and the government is concerned about it. If the government is concerned so should we be. New Zealand roads are far too overcrowded."Notice how my example wasn't accurate; I got a merit for this paragraph despite this. The reason I got merit was because I did not use the more complicated paragraph form TEXAXAS. This is simply where you add in an extra example and analysis. TEXAXAS is not a crucial component of getting an Excellence, but it helps. The real reason I got a merit on this paragraph was because I used a generalization in the second sentence. Try to avoid these, the markers don't like them. I'd have been better off if I'd said "Most people own a car..." instead of everyone.

The Summary. This is similar to the introduction in that there is a fairly loose structure code. You have to summarize your main points, mentioning examples if possible. You should try to finish the essay by tying it off with a snappy line, like I did in this next example. This was about whether or not success in sport is all about winning. I got excellence with this. "All in all, success is winning. The two words are the same. And anyway, why would you play a sport if you didn't intend to win? Who would rather lose than win? The derogatory term 'loser' is not showered on the successful. Success is winning, so unless you win, you lose."Despite my 'excellence' grade here, I could have done better. If I'd used examples from earlier in the essay to back up the points mentioned here, I'd have done far better. Note how I used questions. Examiners love this, finishing with a question leaves the reader thinking. Although it may not get you extra marks, it will give the examiner a better opinion of your essay. Also note how I tied off, using a slightly rhetorical statement. This brings the impact of the entire essay home in one hit, leaving the reader knowing what my argument was. Writing a TEXAS essay isn't difficult, anyone can do it. Writing one well is the trick.

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