How to Tell if a Libra Woman Likes You
How to Tell if a Libra Woman Likes You
With their charming personalities and their kindness toward everyone, it’s no wonder why you’d fall for a Libra woman! Since a Libra’s communication style tends to be a little vague, it might take some inside knowledge to figure out what she’s thinking. That’s why we’ve written an article about how you can figure out if a Libra woman is falling for you, or if she just likes you as a friend.

She smiles when you’re around.

Libras are naturally open, and they wear their emotions on their face. If a Libra woman likes being around you, you’ll be able to tell simply by looking at her the next time you two are together. If she’s smiling, laughing, and generally seems to be having a good time, it’s a good bet that she enjoys your company. On the other hand, if she looks closed off or sad, she might not be having the best time. Check in with her to see how she’s doing—there might be something else going on that she wants to open up about.

She makes time for you.

Air signs are some of the busiest and most social signs. The fact that your Libra woman makes the time to see you and spend time with you is great! It means you’re a priority in her life, and that she dedicates some of her busy schedule just to you. Try not to take offense if a Libra woman doesn’t always have time to dedicate to you. She probably has a lot of friends, and that comes with a lot of social engagements.

She checks up on you.

When a Libra woman cares about you, you’ll never feel alone. She’ll ask about your day, see how you’re doing, and just generally be interested in your day-to-day life. This means that she really wants to get to know you more, and you should open yourself up to her if you feel comfortable. She’ll also probably notice any changes in your behavior. There’s no hiding a bad mood from a Libra woman—she can spot it like a hawk.

She takes you on adventures.

Libras are naturally curious, and they love trying new things. If she plans something fun to try out and invites you along, it means she really values you as a person, and she wants you to experience the same thing she does. Try to say yes to her invitations, even if they seem a little scary. Your relationship will be better for it! Libras love having fun stories to tell. If she had a good time with you, you’ll probably hear her relay the experience to her friends.

She plans romantic dates.

Special memories are very important to the nostalgic Libra. If she truly cares for you, she’ll want to create lasting memories that have an artistic touch. She might invite you to a picnic in the park, take you out for a candle-lit dinner, or order takeout and cuddle up on the couch. Whatever she chooses, once the romantic gestures start, you’ll know that she likes you a lot. She’ll probably also invest a lot of time and energy into making sure everything is “perfect.” Make sure to tell her that you always enjoy your time together to take some of the pressure off of her.

She flirts with you.

Libras might take a little while to open up romantically. Once she starts in with the flirtation, however, you’ll know she feels comfortable around you. She might hold your hand in public, tease you a little bit, or even give you sweet compliments. These are all good signs, and it means that your Libra woman is really falling for you. Libras never flirt unless they actually mean it, so you can take all of her compliments and flirtatious touches at face-value.

She engages you in deep discussions.

Libras love details, and they have incredibly analytical minds. Be prepared to dive deep into the most mundane topics, even if you thought you could never spend time on a subject. When a Libra woman feels comfortable around you, she’s going to involve you in a ton of discussions, so try to give the same effort back to her. Air signs tend to look at things a little differently than the rest of us do. Listen to her perspective, and be open to thinking about things in a new way. For instance, she might say, “Have you ever thought about why birds fly?” or, “I wonder what stars look like up close.”

She puts effort into her appearance around you.

Libra signs tend to value their appearance a lot. When a Libra woman likes you, she’s probably going to spend time making sure she looks good before she sees you. This means that she cares what you think about her, and that she values your opinion (which is a great sign). On the flip side, some Libra women will actually relax their efforts into their appearance a little bit once they feel comfortable with you. If she hangs out with you in sweatpants or without makeup on, take it as a good sign.

She speaks her mind around you.

As a Libra, she won’t let her guard down easily. If she feels comfortable enough with you that she can speak openly and freely, it means that she likes you and she’s definitely warming up to you. This is a great sign, because it means she can relax around you and isn’t afraid to feel vulnerable with you. She’ll probably even speak more freely about your relationship together and any issues. When a Libra feels comfortable about you, she won’t hesitate to tell you what’s on her mind.

She’s there for you if you’re struggling.

Libras are very in tune to other people’s emotions. If she notices that you’re having a tough time, she’s going to ask you about it, and she’ll try her best to make you feel better. Feel free to open up to her and tell her what’s going on, because Libras are usually pretty good about helping people overcome their fears and struggles. Libras are also very selfless, and they’ll put your needs before their own. They’re great people to have in your corner, especially if you’re going through a tough time.

She doesn’t judge you.

Once she’s decided that she likes you, she’ll accept you for who you are. Libras are kind and compassionate, and they take everyone at face value, especially if they’re close. When a Libra woman likes you, you won’t ever feel like she’s judging you or questioning your values. You’ll feel safe and secure in your relationship no matter what.

She lets you take the lead (sometimes).

Libras don’t like it when other people make decisions for them. However, they’re also fairly indecisive, and could often use a helping hand when making a tough decision. When a Libra woman trusts you, she’ll hand over the reins and let you decide what’s best, but only occasionally. Doing this is a big deal for a Libra woman, so don’t take it lightly. For example, maybe she’s having a tough time deciding where you two should go on vacation. If she trusts you, she might give you a few options and ask for your opinion, or even let you help plan the trip.

She settles down.

When a Libra is content, they don’t feel the need to change as often. You might notice that when you first met your Libra woman, she was constantly making changes to her lifestyle. As she falls for you and feels more content with you, she’ll probably slow down a little, and she might seem more at peace. This is a great sign—it means that she’s truly happy with you, and she doesn’t feel the need to constantly change anymore.

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