How to Say Thank You in German
How to Say Thank You in German
Politeness will get you far when speaking to Germans you don't know. The basic way to say "thank you" in German is "danke" (DAHNK-uh). However, as in other languages, there are numerous different ways that you can express your gratitude, depending on the context. In addition to knowing how to say "thank you," you should also know how to respond politely when someone thanks you for something you've said or done.[1]
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Basic Thanks

Use "danke" in any situation to thank someone for something. The word "danke" (DAHNK-uh) is the standard way to say "thank you" in German. Even though it's not very formal, you can still use it when talking to anyone in any context and it will be considered appropriate. German culture is very polite and formal. Remember to say "danke" any time anyone does anything for you or helps you out in any way.

Add "schön" or "sehr" to take your "thanks" up a notch. "Danke schön" (DAHNK-uh shuhrn) and "danke sehr" (DAHNK-uh zehr) are ways to say "thank you very much." While both phrases are considered a little more formal than a simple "thanks," they are also used casually. Some other ways to say "thank you very much" in German are: "Vielen Dank" (FEE-lehn DAHNK): literally, "many thanks" "Tausend Dank" (TOW-zent DAHNK): literally, "a thousand thanks," similar to saying "thanks a million" in EnglishCulture Tip: When thanking someone who is just doing their job, such as a server in a restaurant or a shop clerk, any of these will sound a bit over the top compared to a simple "danke."

Say "ich danke Ihnen" if you need to be more formal. The pronoun "Ihnen" is the formal second-person pronoun in German. When you say "ich danke Ihnen" (ick DAHNK-uh EEN-ehn) you're literally saying "I give you my thanks" while also indicating profound respect for the person you're thanking. This phrase is one of the most formal ways to say "thank you" in German. Generally, you should reserve it for when you're talking to someone who is either significantly older than you or in a position of authority.

Switch to "Vielen Dank für alles" to thank someone for multiple things. The phrase "vielen Dank für alles" (FEE-lehn DAHNK fewr AHL-lehs) literally means "thanks for everything." If someone has helped you out in multiple ways, or over the course of a long period of time, this phrase is appropriate. This phrase may also be appropriate in situations where, for example, you're checking out of a hotel, because the hotel likely performed many different services for you during your stay.Writing Tip: In German, all nouns are capitalized. "Dank" is the noun form of the verb "danke," so if you're writing this phrase, remember to capitalize it.

Specific Expressions of Gratitude

Say "Danke für die schöne Zeit" after a date. The phrase "Danke für die schöne Zeit" (DAHNK-uh fewr dee SHUHRN-uh siht) means "thank you for the wonderful time." It's appropriate if someone took you out on a date, as well as any other occasion in which someone treated you to something, such as dinner or a concert. You could also use this phrase with performers or entertainers who put on a show for you.Alternative: If someone took you out during the evening, you could also say "Danke für den schönen Abend" (DAHNK-uh fewr dehn SHUHRN-ehn AH-behnd), which means "thank you for the lovely evening."

Go with "Danke für Ihre" when you are a guest. The phrase "Danke für Ihre" (DAHNK-uh fewr EE-reh) essentially means "thank you for your hospitality." Whether you were a guest a hotel or in someone's home, this phrase is useful if you want to specifically thank someone for being warm and welcoming during your visit. The same phrase can also be translated to mean "thanks for your help" or "thanks for your efforts." The use of "Ihre" is formal. If you want to speak more casually, you might say "deine Gastfreundschaft" (DIH-neh GAHST-froynd-shahft) to mean "thank you for your hospitality," or "deine Hilfe" (DIH-neh HILL-feh) for "thank you for your help."

Switch to "Danke für das schöne Geschenk" if someone has given you a gift. Whether it's for your birthday, a holiday, or "just because," if someone gives you a gift you might say "Danke für das schöne Geschenk" (DAHNK-uh fewr dahs SHUHRN-uh GEH-shehnk). This phrase means "thank you for the lovely gift." While in person, a simple "danke" might suffice, this phrase is most appropriate if you're sending someone a thank-you card, email, or letter. It's more specific and can serve as a reminder to them of why you're thanking them.

Anticipate a favor or action by saying "Danke im voraus." Particularly in written correspondence, you might want to tell someone "thank you" for something they haven't done yet. In that situation, you can use the phrase "danke im voraus" (DAHNK-uh ihm FOHR-ows), which literally means "thank you in advance." As in English, it generally isn't considered appropriate to use this phrase if you have any doubts about the person fulfilling your request. However, you might use it if you're just asking for general assistance, such as if you're asking for a recommendation or referral.

Use "danke, gleichfalls" to respond to compliments or well wishes. The phrase "danke, gleichfalls" (DAHNK-uh GLIHSH-fahltz) is actually a combination of thanks and a return of the same to the other person. If someone gives you a compliment, tells you to have a good day, or the like, this phrase is appropriate. For example, as you are checking out of a hotel, the clerk might say "Ich wünsche dir alles Gute," or "I wish you all the best." You could then respond "Danke, gleichfalls," or "Thanks, same to you."

Thank You Responses

Say "bitte" (BIHT-uh) in response to "danke." "Bitte" is an extremely versatile word in the German language that you'll hear quite frequently if you're traveling in Germany or Austria. While the word literally means "please," it is also used to mean "you're welcome" if someone thanks you for something.

Switch to "bitte schön" or "bitte sehr" in response to more emphatic thanks. If someone says "danke schön" or "danke sehr" to you, feel free to use the corresponding response. You can also use them in response to a simple "danke" if you want to express more emphatically that whatever you did was not a problem for you. A server or retail clerk might also use these phrases when you say "danke." In that context, they're essentially telling you that they were simply doing their job and there was no need for you to thank them. However, that doesn't mean you should actually forego a respectful "danke" to people in the service industry.Tip: "Bitte schön" and "bitte sehr" are also used when you're offering something to someone, generally meaning something similar to "hear you go."

Try "gerne" or "gern geschehen" to mean "my pleasure." The adverb "gern" (gehrn) means "gladly," while "gern geschehen" (gehrn GEH-sheh-ehn) translates literally to "done gladly." For a shorter version, you can simply say "gehrn-uh." "Gerne" is generally considered more casual, but it's still appropriate in most situations. Stick to "gern geschehen" when speaking to someone significantly older than you or in a position of authority.

Go with "kein problem" when speaking casually. This mix of German and English is a fairly simple phrase to pick up if your first language is English. However, keep in mind that this is a very casual expression that should only be used when talking to people you know very well, or people who are your age or younger. As you might suspect, the word "problem" is pronounced the same as it is in English, although a native German speaker would say it with a German accent. The word "kein" is pronounced "kine."Culture Tip: "Kein problem" can also be used to respond to a potentially offensive remark or behavior to indicate that you didn't take any offense. It's used in the same way you might say "no problem" or "no worries" in English.

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