How to Politely Tell Your Parents You Don't Like Your Christmas Present
How to Politely Tell Your Parents You Don't Like Your Christmas Present
Christmas for many people is about giving, not receiving, but, if you happen to be given a gift you didn't like, you may be at a loss as to what to do. This article explains how you can tell your parents you don't like your Christmas present, if this is something you feel you need to do. Get started at step number one below.

If your parents bought the gift

Open your gift. This seems obvious, but you don't know whether you will like it until you have seen it!

Thank them for your present. Your parents have obviously tried hard, so you must be grateful of that. Say something like "thank you mum and dad, I know you tried hard"

Apologise, and tell them why you don't like it. Saying "I hate my stupid present" won't get the best results. You may be thinking that, but say something like "I'm ever so sorry, but I don't play The Sims anymore" or "sorry mum, but Evanescence isn't my thing". Be mature and make sure you apologise, or at least sound apologetic.

Wait for their response. Some parents might apologise and offer to exchange it in the store for you, whilst others might be upset, offended, or they might not understand. If they apologise and offer to exchange it, thank them and decide whether to accept their offer (or be really mature and say that you can exchange it yourself). If they are upset or offended, apologise again and tell them that you know they tried hard, and either leave it there or politely ask if you can exchange it (it might be better to have this conversation later if they are really upset or angry). If they don't understand, say clearly "I'm sorry but I don't like my present".

Exchange the item (if they let you) and enjoy your new item/money you now have! It might be a good idea to write a Christmas list next year so they know what to get you.

If a sibling bought the present

Act as if you like your present when your siblings are around. Give them a hug and thank them.

Ask for a private chat with your parents. After all presents are unwrapped and your siblings are busy/not around, ask if you can have a private word with one of your parents. Tell them something like "I know Dixie tried hard, but I don't wear eyeshadow". Hopefully they should understand.

Exchange it at the store for money or another item of your liking.

If your sibling(s) ask where your item is, or why you aren't wearing it say something like "that dress is so special I only want to wear it in special occasions" or "I love that ornament so much I have put it in my drawer so it can't get broken". Hopefully the conversation should end there.

Enjoy your new item/money!

If an aunt/uncle/grandparent bought the present

Consider the location of the giver. As they probably aren't living with you (if they are, follow the steps in the "Sibling" method", this is significantly easier. You can tell your parents that you don't like it on the spot.

Tell your parents you don't like it. Ask if you can exchange it.

If your relative left the receipt in the present, you can take it back to the store. If not, you may have to sell it.

Enjoy your new item/money from selling/exchanging your unwanted gift!

If a friend bought the present

Remember that your parents won't have as good a relationship with your friends as they do with their relatives, this will be easier.

Sell the item (or exchange if possible). Remember to get your parents' permission first, though.

If your friends ask if you like it, and when you are going to wear it/use it, tell them it was special so you have put it away for safety. If you have the kind or relationship where you feel as if you can/need to be honest with them, you can thank them for the effort they made and tell them you exchanged it.

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