How to Know For Sure if a Girl Likes You Back
How to Know For Sure if a Girl Likes You Back
You may be sending her all the right signals, but sometimes it’s still difficult to know if a girl likes you back. Although every girl is different, there are often some fairly telling clues as to whether she’s into you or not. By knowing what to look for, you can help to ease the anxiety of “does she or doesn’t she?” We'll walk you through the top signs that she's crushing on you, too!

Look for an increase in eye contact.

Typically, increased eye contact is a sign that someone is into you. It’s particularly good if they hold eye contact for a while and don’t look away. Continuously locking eyes with you is her way of letting you know it's ok to approach her. Keep in mind that girls who are shy may not make eye contact as often. If you know she’s shy, don’t take a lack of eye contact as a sign that she doesn’t like you.

Watch for more touching.

Flirtatious touching could be a sign that she likes you. If she’s suddenly touching your shoulder or brushing her hand against yours, chances are she’s into you. Asking for a hug before you part ways is another good indication of her feelings. Some women are more subtle in their approach. They may ask you to help them out or want to show you something on their phone. This is their way of closing the physical gap between the two of you. Be aware that not all physical contact is a sign that she likes you. A girl may tap you on the shoulder or ask for a friendly hug without having other intentions. It's important to look for other signs in addition to physical contact.

Take note if she can’t stop teasing you.

Teasing can be a sign of affection. Whether she’s making fun of your hair or giving you a hard time about always being late, it may mean she likes you. Teasing followed by a smile is even better! If her teasing is followed by a smile, she's probably just trying to be playful. She may tease you about your age, past girlfriends or hobbies. This is her way of trying to get a reaction from you. Being mean or hurtful is not a sign that she’s into you, so don’t waste your time on someone who puts you down.

Notice her smiles.

If she lights up when you enter the room, the feelings may be mutual. Of all the clues she might be giving you, facial expressions are some of the easiest to understand and to read. If she's always smiling when you look at her (or even when you're not) this is a sure sign that she’s attracted to you. Smiling and laughter go hand in hand. If you notice her laughing at all of your jokes (even when they’re not funny), this is her way of affirming your feelings.

See if she’s interested in your social media.

If she’s sending friend requests to all of your accounts suddenly, she might like you. You may see numerous requests from her all at once. If she not only wants to be your friend on Facebook, but would like to follow you on Twitter as well, this is a definite sign. If she mentions that you can find her on Facebook or should connect on Instagram, that’s probably a good sign that she likes you. A girl who likes you may take an interest in your friends as well. Find out if your buddies have received friend requests from her.

Notice an uptick in activity from her.

She might be into you if she’s interacting with you a lot on social media. Whether it’s a status “like” or a message that just says "hey!", if you see a sudden increase in activity from the girl you like, she’s definitely sending you a sign that she has a crush on you. For the shy girls, this may be one of the best ways to determine if they like you. Social media provides people with the opportunity to open up in a less intimidating environment. Look for an increase in private messages. Similar to texting, if someone is replying to you quickly, they’re giving you a clue as to how much you matter. You may notice that she posts and tags a lot of pictures of the two of you together. This may be her way of telling other girls to back off because she wants to be your girlfriend.

Watch for a change in relationship status.

You may notice that she’s broadcasting her newly single status. If she seems happy about it and is trying to draw attention to the fact that she’s currently single, this may be her way of letting you know she’s ready to mingle. If you’re uncertain as to how she feels about her newly single status, try sending her a private message. If she responds quickly and includes many positive emoticons, she’s trying to let you know she’s more than ok.

Wait for a message back.

Try sending her a private message to test the waters. Let her know how you feel about her and wait for a response. Though we're in the habit of sharing our thoughts and feelings via social media, that doesn't mean you should broadcast your feelings publicly. Send her a private message instead of putting your feelings out there for all of the world to know. If the girl is shy, this may be a good way of reaching out to her on a platform that she's comfortable with. This also gives the girl a chance to thoughtfully consider her response to your feelings, should she not share your affections.

Take note if she cancels plans with other guys.

That could be a sign that she sees you as more than just a friend. If you notice she's not as quick to talk about her latest beau either, chances are she views you as more than a friend and wants to be in a relationship. This is particularly true if she has talked about other guy crushes in the past, but suddenly changes the subject if you mention them. When she stops viewing you as one of the girls and refuses to share anything about her love life, you can rest assured that the feelings are mutual.

Watch for signs of anger if you talk about other girls.

If she gets mad when you bring up other girls, she could be jealous. In the past, you used to be able to get her take on your love life. Now she seems to blow up at the mere mention of another woman. If this happens, it’s probably safe to assume that she wants to be your only leading lady. She may tease you about past relationships, but if you mention someone you currently like, it may not go over well. Past relationships may be her way of teasing you, but mentioning a recent crush will ensure she won’t be smiling for long.

Look for a suggestion to hang out alone.

It could be a clue that she’s into you. In the past, you were more likely to hang out in a group setting. Now that she keeps asking to spend time alone with you, this may be a sign that she likes you. If you're being consistently invited to places that her past boyfriends accompanied her to, such as weddings or dances, you should probably have a discussion about whether you’re more than friends. Reader Poll: We asked 410 wikiHow readers who've asked someone, and 54% of them agreed that the best way to do so is by asking to hang out and spend time together. [Take Poll] So even if she doesn’t call it a date, if she’s constantly asking to hang out alone, it’s probably a good sign she’s into you.

Observe her reaction when you admit you like her.

If she's a good friend, she will appreciate your honesty. Though it may be awkward at first, you'll ultimately feel relieved once you've been honest. Tell her how you feel. While it could be awkward and you may feel extremely nervous about revealing your feelings to her, you'll be glad you did it. It's much better to say something than to not say anything at all. You may notice a look of relief on her face when you share your feelings with her. If she lights up when you tell her about your feelings, it is probable that she feels the same way. Begin the conversation by telling her how much you respect your friendship with her and that you've recently been having feelings that are beyond that of a friend. Let her know that it's ok if she doesn't feel the same way, but that you felt it was important to be honest with her and to share how you really feel. Don't worry if she doesn't return your sentiments. If she's a good friend, she'll stay friends with you and will be able to joke about it later. Most importantly, If she doesn't feel the same way as you, don't act as if the whole thing was a joke and that you don't really care that much either.

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