How to Eat a Tic Tac
How to Eat a Tic Tac
Think eating Tic Tacs is easy? Think again. It seems many people eat Tic Tacs wrong. In fact, there are Internet memes devoted to that theory. Here’s how to eat the small oval breath mints the “right way.”

Removing a Single Tic Tac

Remove a single Tic Tac from the plastic box at one time. The correct way to eat Tic Tacs is to dispense with the small breath mints one-by-one. The wrong way to eat Tic Tacs is to try to shake a bunch of them in your hand at once. Often, the latter method results in the small mints landing on the floor. You never know how many you will get. It turns out that Tic Tacs come with a compartment design that allows you to rather precisely remove them one by one. Who knew?

Turn the Tic Tac case upside down. Many people make the mistake of shaking the Tic Tac box right side up and then trying to shake them into their hand. Instead, turn the plastic case upside down to start the process. Don't worry if you've been using the shake-it-into-the-hand method for years. This method has earned the scorn of Internet meme writers, who acknowledge that lots of us have been doing it that way for a very long time. So you're not alone. “I’ve been eating Tic Tacs wrong FOR YEARS,” reads one. The ability to extract a single Tic Tac from the container is attributed to the oval-shaped compartment that is located under a Tic Tac container flap. Open it up and check it out before you proceed.

Removing a Tic Tac

Shake the Tic Tacs so they fall to the bottom of the compartment. Once you’ve turned the box upside down, perform this maneuver. This will leave a space at the top of the upside down box. Now, grab the compartment lip and then pull the box back. No one knows for sure if the makers designed the box this way for this reason, however, the crater inside of the lip works to push out a single Tic Tac. Flip open the lid slowly. There should be a Tic Tac on it. The single Tic Tac should be sitting in the oval-shaped contained on the Tic Tac lid.

Leave the Tic Tac on your tongue. Don't think you need to chew Tic Tacs. They are breath mints, not candy (although some people regard them as such). Thus, you should let the Tic Tac linger on your tongue a bit because this should freshen your breath. Let the Tic Tac dissolve in your mouth.

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