How to Block a Subreddit on Reddit: Mobile App & Desktop
How to Block a Subreddit on Reddit: Mobile App & Desktop
If ever scroll through your Home feed on Reddit, you'll see plenty of recommended posts from subreddits you don't follow. While these recommendations can sometimes introduce you to new communities you'll love, you may also see some boring, annoying, or even offensive subreddits in your feed. Fortunately, it's easy to block subreddits, both in the Reddit mobile app and on in your web browser. This wikiHow article will teach you quick and easy ways to block a subreddit so it no longer appears in your feeds.
Things You Should Know
  • When you add a subreddit to your mute list, its posts will no longer appear in your Home feed, /r/popular, or recommendations.
  • You can block a subreddit directly from a recommended post or manually add its name to your mute list.
  • Blocked subreddits can still appear in /r/all, but you can fix this by temporarily switching back to Old Reddit.

Block a Subreddit (Mobile App)

Open the Reddit app on your Android, iPhone, or iPad. If you're tired of seeing recommended and popular posts from subreddits that don't interest you, you can block them easily in the Reddit mobile app.

Tap your profile icon. You'll see your alien avatar at the top-right corner of Reddit.

Tap Settings. It's at the bottom of the menu.

Tap your username. It's the first option on the Settings menu.

Tap Manage muted communities. This option is at the bottom of the "Blocking and Permissions" section.

Type the subreddit's name into "Mute new community." You don't have to type the /r/ at the beginning—just the subreddit's name. As you type, a list of matching subreddits will appear.

Tap Mute on the subreddit you want to block. This adds the subreddit to your mute list, which prevents posts from that community from appearing in your Home feed, the Popular feed, and your recommendations. Alternatively, you can block a subreddit directly from a recommended post in your Home feed—just tap the three dots on a recommended post, select Mute (subreddit name), and then Yes, mute. To unblock a subreddit, return to this area and tap Unmute next to the subreddit's name.

Block a Subreddit (Computer)

Go to in a web browser. Reddit now makes it easy to block any subreddit from appearing in your feeds and recommendations. Start by opening this page in any web browser. Alternatively, if you want to block a subreddit directly from a recommended post in your Home feed, just click the three horizontal dots next to the post, select Show fewer posts like this, then choose Posts from this community.

Click Add next to "Communities You've Muted." You'll see this section below "People You've Blocked."

Type the subreddit's name and click Add. You can leave out the /r/ at the beginning and just enter the name. Once you've added a subreddit to your mute list, the sub will no longer appear in your feeds or recommendations. You'll still be able to go directly to the subreddit in your web browser if you want to check it out, but you won't be bothered by its posts elsewhere on Reddit. To unblock a subreddit, click REMOVE next to the subreddit's name on your mute list.

Block from /r/all

Go to in your web browser. Muting a subreddit won't prevent it from showing up in /r/all. If you like to scroll through /r/all from time to time, you can block subreddits from there as well. Using this link will temporarily switch you back to Old Reddit, which makes blocking from /r/all easy. This trick won't work in the Reddit mobile app. If you're on a phone or tablet, you'll need to use a mobile web browser like Chrome or Safari.

Type the subreddit's name into the "filter subreddit" field. You'll see this field just below "all" at the top-right corner of the page. Preface the subreddit's name with /r – e.g., /r/politics.

Click +. Once you click the plus symbol, posts from that subreddit will no longer appear when browsing /r/all.

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