How to Be Curious
How to Be Curious
Children are known for their curiosity. They are interested in the world around them, and are full of questions. Adults are often curious, too, but don't always feel comfortable expressing their curiosity. Being curious is an excellent way to expand your knowledge base. There are several steps you can take to become more curious.

Following Your Interests

Read widely. Choosing something you are already interested in makes it easy to start becoming more curious. Reading is one of the best ways to widen your knowledge base. There are books and articles written on every conceivable topic, from politics, to cooking, to gardening. Think about your interests, and choose one to start learning about. Grab a book and find out more. For example, if you are curious about technology and how it has changed society, there will be a book for you. Try to read publications by various authors so that you are exposed to more than one viewpoint. Browse the stacks. Head to your local library or bookstore. Spend some time wandering up and down the aisles, picking up anything that looks interesting. Ask for recommendations. People who work in libraries and bookstores love to talk about books. Ask them to recommend something interesting that they've read recently. Use social media. Ask your friends and families to tell you their favorite book. Make a list of the ones that sound appealing. Read the news. There is a lot going on in the world every day. If you take a few minutes to browse some news sites each day, you are sure to come across something that interests you. You could also subscribe to a daily newspaper to get your information. Enjoy fiction. Fictional tales can spark your curiosity just as much as non-fiction. For example, try reading a crime thriller. You'll be dying to find out how the cops solve the case. It will certainly cause you to start wondering about how the justice system works.

Make a plan. Take a tip from Leonardo da Vinci, who was known for having an amazing array of interests. He famously had a "to-do" list that included things to draw, places to go, and people to talk to. Da Vinci had a plan. As you start becoming more curious, make a list of things you would like to do or learn. This will give you inspiration to be more curious about new things. Traveling is a great way to build curiosity. When you go somewhere new, you will naturally want to learn about your new environment. You'll wonder about the foods people eat, where to go for fun, and what you can check out at the local museums. Make a list of places you want to go, and get started. Keep an idea journal. Every time something sparks your interest or raises a question, jot it down. For example, maybe you see a man in your neighborhood walking his dog every day. If you wonder what dog breed would be right for you, this is a topic you can start looking into.

Start with the question. Studies show that as adults we are too eager to get to the answer. That means that we spend most of our time as parents, managers, teachers focusing on finding a solution, and we forget to acknowledge the importance of the question. Take time to thoroughly consider and reflect on questions. Questions are what foster the most curiosity. So the next time you are trying to figure out what to buy your partner for Christmas, start with a series of questions. What does he like? What sort of reaction are you hoping for? By consciously asking yourself questions, you will open up your mind to new possibilities and ideas.

Be mindful. Being mindful means being more aware of your emotions and your surroundings. Try to become more conscious of curiosity. Make an effort to remind yourself to find something to spark your curiosity each day. Scientists say that curiosity is a valid emotion, but one that is often overlooked. If you focus on it more frequently, you will find yourself automatically becoming more curious. The next time you see a movie, challenge yourself to find something to investigate. If you are watching a movie about James Bond, try to learn something new about martinis. Become curious about cocktails.

Avoid routine. A set routine is considered an active enemy of curiosity. Many people are creatures of habit. In order to stimulate curiosity, change things up a bit. Try to find a different way to do some of your daily tasks. Take a different route to work. Whether you walk or drive, take a different path. Chances are you'll notice something new. Maybe you'll see a new Korean restaurant and you'll be curious about what kind of food they serve. Doing something as simple as brushing your teeth with your non-dominant hand can get your brain thinking differently.

Asking Questions

Question everything. The number one thing you can do to become more curious is to ask questions. Try to avoid taking material for granted. For example, if someone tells you, "Immigration reform is important", don't just accept that as fact. Ask questions, and figure out why. Then form your own opinion. If you are a student, you should ask questions about the material you learn in school. If your teacher says, "The Great Gatsby is the great American novel", don't be afraid to say, "Why? What makes it great?". Ask follow-up questions. Don't accept simple answers. If your landlord raises your rent, ask why. Make sure to get specifics. You'll learn more and be more informed.

Funnel your questions. You can ask questions in one of two ways: begin with a broad question, and then ask gradually more specific follow-up questions. Or, do the opposite; begin with a narrow scope and gradually widen your focus. Both ways are known as "funneling" questions, and are great ways to spark new ideas and learn more about the topic. Imagine you are curious about women's rights. You could begin with a broad question, such as "When did people start thinking about equality between the sexes?" Then you could gradually get more focused, and ask something such as, "What was life like for women in Oklahoma during the 1980s?" To funnel the opposite way, you could reverse the order of those questions. Funneling is useful because it can help you brainstorm new questions to ask.

Keep going. Once you have a good question, figure out how to further break it down. Use your original question as a starting point, and then branch out. Thinking of new questions will encourage your creativity, because you'll be coming up with new angles from which to consider the topic. For example, you could start by asking, "Why do Americans vote along party lines?" Keep going by asking, "Does religion influence voting?" Then you could continue with, "To what extent does morality influence voting?" Each question can lead to another. The more questions you ask, the more things you will find to be curious about.

Be humble. One of the most important lessons to learn is that there is no shame in not knowing something. The only way to learn is by asking questions and gathering information. Don't ever be afraid to be humble and admit that you don't know something. At work, your boss might ask a question that you don't know the answer to. Instead of trying to pretend that you are knowledgeable, say, "I don't know. But let me brainstorm some ways to figure out a solution." Then let your curiosity guide you as you explore new ideas.

Knowing the Benefits of Curiosity

Strengthen your relationships. Obviously, you are going to learn a lot of new information with by expanding your curiosity, and that's great. But there are several other benefits to being a more curious person. Research shows that people who are actively curious often have stronger personal relationships. People who are curious tend to have better conversations. You will naturally ask more questions and be more engaged when you are speaking to others. When you ask a lot of questions, your friends and family members will appreciate the fact that you are interested about their lives. Even a simple curious question such as, "How did that big project at work turn out?" can let someone know that you care.

Improve your memory. Being curious can help you retain information. If you are interested in a topic, you are more likely to dig deeper into it. When you are invested in finding the answer, you will be much more likely to remember that information in the future. Studies show that when a brain is actively curious it acts like a vortex. This means that it pulls in as much information as possible, and retains it.

Improve your health. Being curious literally improves the health of your brain. Curiosity causes your brain to act as a muscle. The more you learn and engage that muscle, the stronger it grows. This can improve all around brain function. People who are more curious are generally happier. Asking questions and learning new things causes your mood to be elevated. Being happier can cause positive benefits for your physical health. Happier people typically have lower blood pressure and a decreased risk for strokes and heart attacks.

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