Can't see the inventory bar in Minecraft? While you can't add more space to your inventory, you can change the hotbar to make the size bigger on your screen. You'll just need to scale up your GUI/HUD settings. Here's how to make the inventory bar bigger in Minecraft Java and Bedrock Edition.
Launch Minecraft. To make the inventory bar bigger in Minecraft, you'll just need to adjust the GUI (Graphical User Interface) scale. This will also change the size of the other HUD elements, such as your health, hunger, and experience bars.
Select Options. This is on the main menu.
Select Video Settings…. You can find this on the left side.
Select GUI Scale. It may be set to Auto or another setting.
Select GUI Scale. The scaling will change with each click. Some devices will have the options 1 (smallest), 2, 3, 4 (biggest), and Auto. Other devices will have small, medium, and large. Continue clicking until the GUI is the size you want. Changes will be saved automatically. You can also change your language or gamma settings.
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