11 Ways a Scorpio Man Expresses Love: Signs He's Fallen for You
11 Ways a Scorpio Man Expresses Love: Signs He's Fallen for You
Scorpio men are the dark horses of the zodiac—and they make passionate, intelligent, devoted partners. But this private, mystical water sign is also not the type to shout declarations of love from the rooftops. So how does a Scorpio man express his love? We consulted our team of expert astrologers to bring you all the gossip and details on what Scorpio men are like in love. Read on to figure out if your Scorpio man loves you (and how to show him you love him back). This article is based on an interview with our astrologer and performance artist, Angel Eyedealism. Check out the full interview here.

He looks at you intensely.

Scorpio men are the strong, silent type, and they love eye contact. These guys are ruled by the planet of mystery, Pluto. That means they might not come right out and say “I love you.” Instead, you’re likely to catch your Scorpio man staring lovingly from across the room in an Edward Cullen kind of way. Look out for quiet moments when he looks into your eyes as if he’s staring straight into your soul. When you catch your Scorpio man staring, flash him a smile and look away—he’ll be immediately intrigued.

He gives you deep compliments.

Scorpio's ruling planet Pluto is all about what's under the surface. These guys are far from superficial. Rather than liking an Instagram post or saying something like “you look hot,” he’ll tell you about how much he admires your spirit and personality. This emotional water sign will even tell you how much he adores all your quirks and habits. Show your Scorpio you can match his attention to detail. Tell him how much you love the strange way he folds his socks, the kind voice he uses when he talks to his little sister, and the way he’s always there for you.

He gives you little gifts.

Scorpios will opt for romantic gestures rather than verbal declarations of love. A Scorpio man in love might surprise you with your favorite snack, a gorgeous piece of jewelry, or a custom-made playlist. As fixed signs, these guys are masters of commitment and consistency. Gifts won’t be a one-time deal. Don’t be surprised if your Scorpio guy shows up every day with something sweet. Want to give back to your Scorpio? Go for anything that says “bad boy.” Create a personalized heavy metal playlist, pick out a leather wallet, or get him a historical book on the world’s greatest military generals.

He initiates dates.

Scorpio men like to take the lead because they’re cardinal signs. Yes, this sign gets a bad rap for being “power-hungry,” but they’re really just determined and committed—especially in love. A Scorpio in love will ask you out to romantic restaurants and plan exciting excursions. He’ll be the first one to text you and ask what you’re up to on the weekend. And he’ll be the last one to ever bail on plans with you. If you ever want to shake things up and plan an amazing date with a Scorpio, go for something intense like an underground tour, a live rock concert, or a night hike.

He wants to spend one-on-one time together.

Love for a Scorpio can be all-consuming and teeter on the edge of obsession. All that romance and desire for connection probably comes from their water sign nature. A Scorpio man might express his love by asking to spend a lot of time (truly a lot) with just you. He’ll skip the group dates and opt for quality time talking late into the night with his favorite person—you. If a Scorpio’s intensity ever gets too much, let him know. Just say something like, “I love you, but I’d love to spend some time with my friends tonight.” If you’re in a healthy relationship, that won’t be a problem for your Scorpio.

He’s physically affectionate.

As water signs, Scorpios are sensual beings and passionate lovers. This water sign’s secondary ruler is Mars, the planet of red hot desire. A Scorpio man in love won’t have a problem with PDA, and in private, expect a lot of steamy action. Think intense makeout sessions, tons of cuddling, and endless nights of energetic sex. In bed, Scorpios tend to like taking control and being in charge. If you’re comfortable, let your guy take the lead.

He’s protective of you.

When this determined sign is in love, your well-being will become his #1 priority. A Scorpio’s the type of guy who’ll always walk you home or walk you to your car. He’ll text you to make sure you get home safe. In public, you might find him looking over at you to make sure you’re doing okay. If anyone tries to hurt you, he’ll take that as a personal threat. Your emotional pain will deeply impact a Scorpio, too. Feel free to talk to him about the stressful problems in your life. He’ll want to help, and he’ll probably offer great advice.

He sometimes gets jealous.

Mars' influence makes Scorpio men ready to fight for their partner. A Scorpio man in love won’t want to see you with anyone else. He’ll act upset if you talk about your exes or see other guys. As a fixed sign, he’s a firm believer in loyalty and commitment to one person, and he expects his partner to feel the same way. Even if you’re upset with your Scorpio, never try to make him jealous—it’ll end up pushing him away. Remember, it’s okay if he expresses discomfort about other guys. But it’s not ok if he starts being controlling and telling you who you can and can’t see.

He shares his possessions with you.

When they’re in love, Scorpios believe in the expression “what’s mine is yours.” His favorite hoodie? He’ll lend it to you. His apartment? He might just give you a key. Return his show of loyalty by treating everything he shares with you with the utmost respect. At the same time, Scorpios need privacy. Make sure to give your Scorpio space from time to time, and wait for him to offer to share things with you.

He offers to help you.

Scorpios are signs of action, so they show love through acts of service. Once they decide you’re the one, these guys go all-in. Whether you need a ride to the airport, help with opening a stubborn jar, or a shoulder to cry on, he’ll be there. This drive to help comes from Mars’ energetic, vivacious influence as well as Scorpio’s emotional water sign nature. Build trust with your Scorpio by showing him you’re reliable and there for him, too. Show up when he needs support, send him encouraging texts, and lend an ear when he’s going through a tough time.

He opens up to you.

Pluto’s influence means that Scorpios can be hesitant to share how they feel. These guys prefer to look macho and stoic to the outside world. But when they’re in love, Scorpios will turn their partner into their confidant. Your Scorpio man will drop the act and let you in on his deepest insecurities, loftiest dreams, and complex, beautiful inner life. Encourage your Scorpio man to open up by saying things like, “I love hearing about your dreams” and “I’m always here for you if you need someone to talk to.”

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