Infantino hailed as right man, right time for FIFA
Infantino hailed as right man, right time for FIFA

New FIFA leader Gianni Infantino was hailed for being "not a politician, not a superstar" but as a reform-minded administrator who can lead the scandal-plagued football body into a brave new world.

The 45-year-old multilingual Swiss-Italian lawyer was elected as the new FIFA president yesterday, ending Sepp Blatter's controversial, rollercoaster 18 years in charge.

"He's not a politician. He's not a superstar. He's just very together, very organised," said Greg Dyke, chairman of England's Football Association.

"He has run UEFA really well and he'll be great as the president of FIFA.

"I think we can be more optimistic about the future of FIFA now than we could have been certainly a week ago, after a terrible year. It's been a corrupted organisation for a long time and now I think this is some hope for the future."

Infantino had served for seven years as general secretary of UEFA where he was Michel Platini's right-hand man.

But with Platini serving a six-year ban, Infantino entered the race and sensationally snatched the job so coveted by the Frenchman.

One of the men to lose out to Infantino in the vote was Prince Ali bin Al Hussein of Jordan who said he hopes to see FIFA make real progress.

"Now we will see which path FIFA takes. I sincerely hope that the reforms approved today we're not just a band aid and that the events lead to a better future for FIFA and for football," he said.

Russian sports minister Vitaly Mutko, whose country controversially won the right to stage the 2018 World Cup, also said Infantino was the right man for the job.

"I am satisfied. We have supported him from the start," Mutko told TASS news agency.

"I hope that everything he has planned will be realised.

Football needs a pragmatic and experienced man like him."

Wolfgang Niersbach, who last year stood down as president of the German football association after a scandal engulfed Germany's successful 2006 World Cup bid, said Infantino was the "best candidate" but a tough road lay ahead.

"It's a great day for FIFA, perhaps even historic which will decide the future," said Niersbach.

"But the job isn't finished. I have belief that Gianni will restore confidence in FIFA."

Francois Carrard, who headed FIFA's independent reform committee, said Infantino represented the "best possible outcome".

"He was always promoting the most aggressive reforms. He knows football," said Carrard.

International Olympic Committee president Thomas Bach, who had addressed the FIFA Congress before the election, said it was crucial for the two bodies to work together.

"At this difficult period for football I wish him all the best for the implementation of the reforms approved by the FIFA Extraordinary Congress," said Bach.

"At the same time I am looking forward to a good and constructive cooperation for the sake of sport."

Infantino's election also brought praise from former players -- both the tongue-in-cheek and the serious.

"Have this weird feeling that Gianni Infantino will pull off his mask to reveal Sepp Blatter," wrote former England striker Gary Lineker on Twitter.

Portugal legend Luis Figo, who once even pondered entering the race for the FIFA presidency, said the arrival of Infantino represented a new dawn for the sport.

"Congratulations @Gianni_2016 finally the change arrived -- it's time for a new era in FIFA," tweeted Figo.

Best of the rest:

"Infantino, he was the brain of UEFA, a computer. He's a guy who can speak six or seven languages, a lawyer who is familiar with all the little details. He sorted out UEFA, he can sort out FIFA also."

- Michal Listkiewicz, former president of the Polish football federation.

"Infantino elected president of FIFA, the pill must be hard to swallow for Michel Platini."

- Former French coach Raymond Domenech on Twitter.

"This is what was needed to help advance football again.

This is what FIFA needed.... Infantino's campaign was amazing .. but now the real work begins."

- Dutch football federation (KNVB) director of football Bert van Oostveen.

"I don't even know who is running."

- Disgraced Trinidad and Tobago football boss Jack Warner, claiming he had no interest in Friday's election.

"The South African Football Association (SAFA) now looks forward to the practical implementation of the promises to increase the number of African teams in the World Cup and increase the number of African members on the executive of FIFA," SAFA president Danny Jordaan to AFP.

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