Debutante Actor Moses Koul Says Netflix's Class Has Become a Turning Point in His Life | Exclusive
Debutante Actor Moses Koul Says Netflix's Class Has Become a Turning Point in His Life | Exclusive
Moses Koul is currently basking in the success of his recently released show Class. He spoke about his creative process, doing intimate scenes and all things in between.

Moses Koul might claim to be an accidental actor, but he’s truly gifted and a deserving artiste. The 24-year-old actor, who’s a well known musician, went on to star in the critically acclaimed Netflix show Class as Sharan Gujral. While this may be his debut outing as an actor, Moses says it’s the start of a journey he never knew he’d take. With the warm reception of the show, and now that it has been greenlit for the second season, the actor is over the moon, and overwhelmed that the viewers can look at Sharan Gujral’s life from a different or a deeper lens.

In an exclusive conversation with News18, when asked about how has the response been for his character as well as for the show, Moses shared that he’s particularly not been active on social media to check out every response as it feels overwhelming, to an extent where he wonders if he actually deserves that much of a credit. “All this is so new to me and so much of it is something I’ve not experienced before,” he says.

Moses as Sharan Gujral is shown as a cold-hearted athletic jock, having an incessant need of proving his self worth, which makes him push his boundaries and deeper ends. He also explores his sexuality along the way. “During the entire show, he’s always been put down in many ways. It’s a character that is completely shown in a way that people can wipe the floor with him. He’s always looking for some sort of validation about liking. I was hoping that there would be some sort of sympathy towards him and understand where’s coming from, but I guess viewers loved to hate him,” he confesses.

When asked what was the toughest part about exploring him, Moses shared, “Sharan and I are so so different in real life, that I almost felt that I could not be him, even for the camera. His way of functioning is so different than who I am. That itself was a challenge — to not look gimmicky, keep some sort of a surprise element within him, so that viewers don’t find out till the end about who commits the murder. I must admit that my director Ashim Ahluwalia did a spectacular job in helping me give my best and be so vulnerable in front of the camera.”

A post shared by Moses Koul (@moseskoul)

Speaking about his creative process, Moses shared, “I completely surrendered to the director and whatever the arc of my character was, I had certain creative inputs which the director took. He completely understood where I was coming from. I have played very differently what than what Polo did on the original show (Elite). Sharan is a lot different in many ways. So I feel like that that is my personal touch.”

The series also comprised of several intimate scenes between him and Naina Bhan (Koel Kalra) and Cwaayal Singh (Balli). When asked how did he approach the parts as a newcomer, Moses admits, “It was quite challenging to be comfortable in front of the camera, but the intimacy coordinators made it look so easy and mechanical that I blindly followed their call. At the end of the day, the intimacy here is the mindset and experience of a 18-year-old. It’s raw, it’s inexperienced, it’s all over the place. I went about it in an extremely mechanical way. You have to make sure you look the right way.”

Moses who had no inclination towards acting shared, “Once the role came to me, I didn’t pick up, was not that interested. There’s no way I am gonna get the role. After two months, the director then approached me and asked me to just try. I went with the flow and then I got locked two and half weeks before the shoot went on floors. The first scene I shot was the intimate blowj** scene with Balli (Cwaayal). I had kind of jumped into the deep end.”

A post shared by Moses Koul (@moseskoul)

It was indeed a quite conventional debut role for Moses. Very often newcomers often refrain and shy away away from picking up bold performances. “I feel everybody makes these choices, like they have their own understanding about either the industry or the kind of career arc they want to have. Or certain people feel if they play a certain kind of role, they won’t be accepted by society or whatever it is, right? Everybody has these preconceived notions. Since I did not have them, I wasn’t coming into it with any skin in the game,” he shared.

He further added, “I came into it because I genuinely believed in the character and the story. I believe Ashim’s vision. The only conversation that I had to have was with my parents and they have been extremely supportive of it. I think that was the final validation I needed.”

On a closing note he shared, “Sharan Gujral will be a character very close to me. But moving on, I am 100% open to take up different characters and unconventional stories with whatever little I have.”

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