Around 55 lakh high school and intermediate students have appeared for the Uttar Pradesh board examination this year. According to the information received from the board, it may take at least eight more days for the results to be released. The result can be declared any time between April 20 and April 24 and not beyond April 25.
UP Board Result 2024 LIVE
Students can check their results on upmspedu.in and upresults.in. They can also see their UP Board results on DigiLocker and News18 as well as via SMS. Students scoring 33 per cent marks or above are considered to have passed the UP board exam. Students who receive poor marks in the UP Board exam in one or two subjects may sit for the compartment exams or apply for a re-evaluation process. Those who fail in more than two subjects will have to repeat the year.
In 2023, the results were declared on April 25. This time the board wants to break that record. This is the reason why this time the work of evaluation of copies was completed in record time. A total of 1,47,097 examiners were appointed for the evaluation of UP Board exam copies. A total of 3.01 crore answer sheets were evaluated within a span of 12 working days.
As many as 259 centres were created for the evaluation process across the state out of which 131 were created for the evaluation of high school answer sheets and 116 for intermediate answer sheets. A total of 94,802 examiners were appointed to evaluate 1.76 crore high school answer sheets, while 52,295 examiners were appointed for the evaluation of 1.25 crore answer sheets for the intermediate examination.
UP Board Secretary Dibyakant Shukla hassaid that quality education, cheating-free examinations, and fair evaluation have been the guiding principles of UPMSP. According to Shukla, due to continuous monitoring of all the centres of the state after the examination, the UP Board completed the evaluation in 12 working days, which is the shortest ever.
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