Bengaluru Man Gets 'Casually' Abused, Slapped by a Group of Natives, Viral Post Worries Reddit
Bengaluru Man Gets 'Casually' Abused, Slapped by a Group of Natives, Viral Post Worries Reddit
Bengaluru man verbally abused, slapped by a bunch of middle-aged men on road due to an unexpected reason. Check out viral Reddit post.

In a rather alarming incident, a Redditor shared a concerning experience in Bengaluru late at night involving their friend and a group of locals who verbally abused him in Kannada. According to the post, the man was walking to his friend’s place in Koramangala when he was unexpectedly confronted by a group of men who began hurling insults and slapping him on the spot. Perplexed, the Redditor sought assistance online to inquire if these individuals were police officers and to understand the reason behind the unprovoked aggression. In fact, it even left the app users deeply troubled about the growing incidents of anger in Bengaluru.

“So a friend of mine (25M) was walking to his friend’s place around Koramangala earlier tonight and there were a bunch of middle aged men, dressed in dark blue jackets and khaki pants (cops??) waiting there near the entrance of a lane from the main road. He says he remembers seeing 5 of them and out of those, one was wearing a helmet and was dressed in civil clothes,” began the Reddit user @Neat-Cut7970, sharing a detailed account on the ‘Bangalore’ subreddit. They went on to describe how these men seemed to be chasing not only their friend but everyone on the road, assuming they were stopping individuals returning from clubs on that Friday night.

However, the tension escalated when they confronted OP’s friend. “As soon as he entered the lane, the guy in the civil clothes approached him and start speaking in Kannada quite aggressively. Swearing at him, from what he could tell…Slaps him right across the face, while still saying things in Kannada which my friend doesn’t understand, but from the tone he could tell he they were cuss words Rest of the guys were on their bikes, laughing, witnessing the whole situation.”

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Subsequently, they shifted their focus to others on the streets, repeating the same behaviour. Assuming they were police officers, the Redditor’s friend didn’t protest. “I’m posting the story in this sub to understand if things are normally like this there, and if there is anything that can be done about this,” they concluded in the viral Reddit post.

Here’s the Post:

Soon, comments poured in to offer assistance. “This is definitely not normal, check if there are CCTVs near that place that could’ve recorded the whole ordeal and give it to the police because these guys were definitely not police (even if they were, they had no right to misbehave like that), incase there happens to be no CCTVs, still do go to the police station and inform them about the whole ordeal,” suggested one user.

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Another exclaimed, “With this speed Bangalore will take over Delhi in becoming unsafe place to live.”

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