Tips & Tricks: 18 things that you should have in your car and why
Tips & Tricks: 18 things that you should have in your car and why
You car is like a third home to you (that is if you consider your workplace as a second home) and a home needs necessities extending beyond what it usually has.

You car is like a third home to you (that is if you consider your workplace as a second home) and a home needs necessities extending beyond what it usually has. Some in this list of 18 could be things that you already have in your car, whereas a few could be ones that you could consider purchasing right away. A checklist:1. Windscreen mount for your smartphone: You may not have felt its need so far, but I can vouch that you will realise its importance once you have it installed in your car. I, personally, didn't have this in my car until last month. Having used it for quite sometime now and realised how helpful it has been to me, I suggest that you should also get one for you. Though it comes in different styles, the two most common designs are the clip-on style holder and the holder with side grip arms. The former offers a better grip over the latter and clasps your phone so tightly that there is almost no chance of it dropping off when going over bumps or hitting potholes. With the phone securely placed between the clamps, accessing maps on the phone becomes easier, navigation a breeze and driving a more comfortable experience. Also as the phone is positioned within your easy reach, operating music player on it becomes easier when connected to your car's music system - either with the help of an AUX cable or via Bluetooth.While there are many holders available across different price segments, you can buy one with a decent build quality at a price somewhere between Rs 100-350. But do ensure that the phone screen before you doesn't distract you while driving.2. Car safety hammer with built-in seatbelt cutter: As emergencies don't come with advance warnings, it is always good to be prepared for them.May you have a safe ride always, but if you ever get trapped in a car with jammed seat belts and inoperable windows, this handy tool could be a life saver. The hammer tips can break window glass and the blades inside it can help you cut seat belts.While a standard model with these two functionalities would suffice the purpose, the market is flooded with different models loaded with capabilities including an emergency flashlight, digital pressure gauge and a torch. A pocket knife can also come in handy.3. Torch: Your smartphone may have a flashlight feature, but it's not wise to rely on a phone for using torch. When in need, your phone may possibly be running low on battery and with flashlight on, it could die in a few minutes - leaving you in an even more difficult situation. And given how fast batteries in phones drain these days, even a phone with enough juice may not survive for as long as you would want it to. Therefore, it is better to have a standalone torch in your car. 4. Dried fruits and nuts: It probably wouldn't have made it to the list if a friend had not had a harrowing time in a miles-long traffic jam that lasted for over 7 hours. It was only then he realised (and later shared with me) what all came to his rescue during those terrible hours and what all he thought was missing in the car to meet emergency situations. Stuck in a dreadful jam with hunger as sharp as a wolf's - but no food available, he came up with the idea of having dried fruits in car. Firstly, they have a longer shelf life. Secondly, they can induce hunger satisfaction faster than other foods. For that matter, even chocolates are an option, but then they would melt in no time in the summer heat.5. Water bottle: You may control your hunger, but it is neither a good idea nor advisable to stay thirsty for long. Therefore, make sure there is always a bottle full of water in your car.6. An empty can for fuel (with a funnel): If ever your car runs out of petrol leaving you with no possibility of dragging it to the nearest petrol pump, an empty can in your car could help you get out of the fix. In such situations, lock your car, take an autorickshaw (or a lift from a friendly driver) to the nearest petrol pump, get the can filled, come back, and empty it in your car. 7. Air compressor pump (electric or foot-powered): It comes in different formats and designs. Some of them even have a built-in air pressure gauge and/or a night flasher. It's advisable to keep it in your car because if the air pressure in the tyres of your car goes down, you will have a machine handy with you. An electric model is better than the mechanical model. Also, ensure it has an air pipe long enough to reach all the tyres. A decent inflator starts at around Rs 400.8. Towing cable: While you are always suggested to subscribe to a roadside assistance service who should be the first one to be approached if ever your vehicle breaks down, having an alternate option is not a bad idea. There could be times when you may not be able to reach out to the roadside assistance team or the serviceman may not come to your help in time. In such situations, call a friend or a family member and get your car pulled with the help of a towing cable. Usually, these cables are 3-4 metre in length and come with the capacity of withstanding up to 5 tonnes of weight.9. USB car charger and power bank: You should have a USB car charger (preferably with two ports) plugged into the cigarette lighter socket of your car so that your phone does not run out of battery when on the go. If your car lacks the cigarette lighter receptacle (12V auxiliary power outlet), we advise you to keep a power bank in your car. 10. Bluetooth earpiece: A Bluetooth headset connected to your phone while driving makes it easier for you to disconnect calls and if absolutely necessary, to take emergency calls. 11. Spacious foldable bag: What if on some days you may have to pick up groceries from market on your way back home? This small yet spacious bag will come to use and save you from the trouble of carrying multiple grocery sacks or shopping bags. Also, it could come to use on many different occasions. You won't realise its importance until it is used.12. Multipurpose car tray: It can be used for enjoying a meal in car to set up a temporary workstation in case of official emergencies. The advantage here is that it returns to the upright position against the seat back and barely occupies any space when not in use. This portable tray can be mounted to steering wheel or car seats.13. Tissue Box and wet tissues: These are very basic items and their mention here is no more than a reminder for you. Replace the old box/packet with the new one if there are not much left in it. 14. Sun shades for car windows: Summers are almost here and what else would you need to reduce the amount of sunlight from getting into the car and keep the heat levels lower. It generally comes in a pack of four and is one of the most common items sold at traffic signals.15. Aux cable: This commonly used accessory is the easiest and cheapest way to play music on your phone through your car's speakers. Always buy a long cable so that people sitting in the back can also easily connect their phone to your car's audio system and operate comfortably - without leaning in. If your car's audio system comes with built-in Bluetooth support then you could give this a skip.16. Car duster/cotton cloth: Keep one always in your car. You never know when and what you may have to clean yourself or your car.17. Tubeless tyre puncture kit: You may not always have a mechanic around to repair your tyre punctures. In such situations, this kit could come handy. A tyre puncture kit usually comes with a rasp for hole widening and cleaning, a pack of rubber strips (gum sticks), and a needle tool to insert these strips. And that air compressor pump will also come in handy.18. Pepper spray: This is a recommended security tool, that while we hope you may never have to use it, is very effective in self defence.If there's something that you think we have missed, do let us know in the comments.

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