How to Get a Nighttime Snack Without Anyone Knowing
How to Get a Nighttime Snack Without Anyone Knowing
Are you hungry in the middle of the night, but you don't want to wake up your parents and have them yell at you? Here are a few simple steps and tips to help you be a sneaky snack-taker! Just remember: this can get you in a lot of trouble if your parents are strict!
Things You Should Know
  • Wear fuzzy socks to keep your feet as quiet as possible when you walk.
  • Take a flashlight with you to the kitchen to avoid putting on any lights.
  • Open doors and cabinets as quietly as possible. Keep your bedroom door open until you return with snacks so you don’t have to open it twice.

Sneaking Out of Your Room

Put on some socks. Fuzzy ones work the best, however, any socks will do. Why should you put on socks? Well, socks keep your foot bones from pounding on creaky stairs. They also keep your feet from sticking to the floor, which can make noise when you lift your foot up.

Open the door as quietly as possible. If you're noisy, you could wake your parents up! Do not close the door. You can do that once you get your snack.

Avoid walking down the middle of a staircase. Usually, the middle part makes the most noise, so walk down the sides, with your back facing the wall.

Make your way over to the kitchen slowly and without making any noise. Take a flashlight with you. That way, you can see where you are going.

Getting Your Midnight Snack

Open the fridge or cabinet door slowly. Do not turn the lights on. It will give you away. Before you start pushing things around looking for something and making noise, take a glimpse at the food, and push things away slowly, then grab your food. If it is in a package, hold it in your mouth for this next step.

If you have stairs, go up them the way you came down them. If not, then go to your room the way you came. Be sure to close the door and leave everything the way it was before you came down - otherwise, your parents might become suspicious!

Be careful in your room. Once safely in your room, go under your covers or some other place you can eat, and eat your food quietly. If it is in packaging, open it slowly - don't rip it up.

If you find it easier, you can move to a different empty room, preferably furthest away from your parent's room. There, even if you accidentally make a noise, they most likely won't hear it. If you have a room on another floor, for example, a guest room, you can eat your snack there. Depending on your house, you can even go to the basement.

Clean up all the evidence the next morning. If your parents see the wrappers, or anything else, you could get busted. If your parents see the evidence, have a reasonable story.

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