How to Cut Sod
How to Cut Sod
Cutting sod is easy to do, and you can even do it by hand, as long as you have the right tools for the job. If you want to remove sod, use a shovel, utility knife, or edger to cut small areas or use a mechanical sod cutter to strip large sections of grass. You can use these tools whether you're getting rid of dead sod or laying fresh sod for your garden. Just gather your equipment, mark your area, and get to work!

Cutting Sod with a Shovel or Edger

Water your sod 1-3 days in advance so it’s easier to work with. Use your garden hose to saturate the sod in advance. You want the soil to be moist but not soggy. This way, you can remove the sod in 1 large piece rather than in several dry sections. Keep in mind that wet sod will be very heavy.

Push a shovel or edger into the soil along the perimeter of the sod. Plan out what sod you want to remove, and insert your shovel or edger about 6 in (15 cm) into the ground. Then, lift up your shovel or edger, and press it back into the ground immediately next to the first spot. Continue doing this until you cut a section that is about 12 in (30 cm) wide and 4–5 ft (1.2–1.5 m) long. Make your sections larger or smaller based on the area you are working with. For instance, your section may only be 3 ft (0.91 m) long and 9 in (23 cm) wide.

Trim the sod into 1–2 ft (0.30–0.61 m) sections to easily remove them. After you create a 12 in (30 cm) wide section, cut it so the section is about 1–2 ft (0.30–0.61 m) long rather than 4–5 ft (1.2–1.5 m). This way, you make 2-3 smaller sections out of your large piece of sod. Cutting the sod into smaller chunks makes it much easier to remove after you cut it.

Use your shovel to pry up the sod and slide the tool underneath. Once you cut the sod on all 4 sides, place your shovel or edger along the cut side, and slide the top of the tool underneath the sod to lift it up. Scoot the tool under the sod as far as you can, and wiggle around the tool to break up any root systems or taproots. Breaking up the roots makes it easier to lift up the sod from the ground.

Roll up the piece of sod to move it from your yard. Once you cut the entire section of sod, place your hands at 1 end, and fold the end on top of the rest of the sod to start the roll. Then, push the sod forward to roll the material up like a carpet. Continue rolling the sod until you reach the end of the section. Do this for each section as an easy way to remove or replace your sod. Alternatively, scoop a small section of sod up with your shovel and place it inside a wheelbarrow. This is a good idea if you are cutting very small sections of sod.

Using a Motorized Sod Cutter

Water your sod before you cut it to make it easier to lift up. 1-3 days before you want to cut your sod, saturate the soil with your garden hose. Aim to get the soil moist but not soggy. By doing this, you can easily cut the sod in 1 piece rather than in many dry clumps. Keep in mind that wet sod will be very heavy.

Rent a sod cutter from a home supply store. Renting a sod cutter is an inexpensive way to clear a large amount of sod from your yard. It costs about $100 (£77.50) a day to rent a mechanical sod cutter. Search online to find a tool rental company near you, and contact the company to make your reservation. If you plan on doing much sod work over time, purchasing the cutter may be cheaper.

Put on safety goggles and ear protection before operating the machine. If objects fly up as you use the cutter, they could damage your eyes. In addition, the machine makes a very loud noise so be sure to use ear protection. When you rent the machine, this safety gear usually is included with the rental.

Mark any obstacles so you know where to avoid driving the machine. Go around the area you want to cut up and look for any large tree branches, lights, or other lawn features. Use a small lawn flag to indicate this spot so you don’t run over it with the sod cutter. This way, you don’t damage the item or the machine.

Read over the user manual to operate the sod cutter correctly. Before you turn on the sod cutter, look over the instructions so you use the machine correctly. If you don’t review the directions, you may injure yourself or damage your lawn when using the sod cutter. Each model is slightly different and has varied instructions to adjust the settings, start the machine, and turn the sod cutter.

Adjust the cutting depth to about 1 in (2.5 cm). Most machines have a cutting depth adjustment lever on the right side of the machine. Read over your instructions to properly move the lever, and set the cutting depth to about 1–1.5 in (2.5–3.8 cm). Proper cutting depth is about 1 in (2.5 cm) or so for most sod removal projects when using a machine.

Tilt your machine to the ground and adjust the height bar. Turn on the machine, bring the front of the sod cutter to the beginning of the section you want to cut, and position the machine toward the ground. Move the height bar, a lever usually located on the left side, to adjust the front of the machine downward. By doing this, you can properly cut the sod from the ground in 1 clean motion.

Walk the sod cutter forward to make your cuts. After you adjust the settings, using the sod cutter is rather simple. Hold onto the handlebars and slowly walk the machine forward. Continue pushing the sod cutter until you reach the end of your section. With little effort on your end, the sod cutter makes a precise cut across the grass or turf.

Turn the machine when you get to the end of the section. Read over your instructions to determine exactly how to turn your particular machine. Typically, you can disengage the wheel drive by flipping a lever on the top of your machine. This helps you pivot the machine around so you can continue cutting down the other side. For instance, flip the lever when you reach the end of the section and turn the machine the opposite way.

Continue cutting the sod in 12 in (30 cm) wide sections. Once you turn the machine, push it the opposite way to cut along the other side of the section. When you finish cutting 1 section, move on to the next. Do this until all of the sod you want to cut is tended to. Sod cutters work best for removing sod from large, expansive areas. Cut the sod over your entire backyard or garden plot, for instance.

Remove the pieces of sod from your yard in rolls or in pieces. If you cut your sod in large strips, cut the sections into 1–3 ft (0.30–0.91 m) sections with a shovel or edger. Then, choose to roll up the sod by folding it over itself, or scoop up the sod with your shovel and place it in a wheelbarrow. Rolling the sod may be quicker overall, but you may find it easier to get rid of the sod in smaller chunks. The sod is quite heavy, so this may take quite a bit of muscle. Recruit a friend if you need help, and take breaks when needed.

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