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It’s a card with potent implications for your relationships and spirituality, and isn’t one to be overlooked in a tarot reading. We’ll tell you everything you need to know about the Eight of Cups’ upright and reversed meanings, what it means for yes-and-no questions, how to interpret the card’s appearance, and what it means when drawn alongside other key tarot cards.
- The upright Eight of Cups represents abandonment, phases, growth, disappointment, maturity, and new beginnings.
- The reversed Eight of Cups represents anxiety, fear of the future, hesitation, and holding on to things that no longer serve you.
- The Eight of Cups depicts a red-caped wanderer traversing water and rocky terrain, suggesting a profound and fulfilling journey.
Upright Meanings
General The upright Eight of Cups generally represents abandonment, change, or transition. The wanderer on the card reflects your own journey, or the entering of a new phase, whether that’s in your career, love life, health journey, or anything else. One chapter is closing, and it may be difficult to accept, but another chapter is just beginning. The Eight of Cups is a card of progress, growth, and maturity. You may feel restless or impatient, but this card assures you that you’ll reach your destination. The Eight of Cups is also associated with disappointment, evolution, withdrawal, surrender, and escapism. In tarot, the suit of cups represents the heart, psyche, and emotions, and often speaks to these matters. The number 8 represents infinity or cycles. The cups suit is closely related to water signs of the zodiac—Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces—and often holds more significance for those signs.
Love and relationships In terms of relationships, the Eight of Cups represents a fear of abandonment. You may be clinging to a romance or friendship that no longer serves you, but you’re afraid to move on or be deserted. The Eight of Cups comes as a gentle suggestion to reevaluate the relationship and learn to recognize when it’s toxic. There’s no shame in letting go of a failed relationship if it only makes you unhappy. If you’re single, the Eight of Cups may represent loneliness or an inability to commit to a new relationship. It encourages you open your heart to love.
Career and finances The Eight of Cups is all about transitions, and when pulled in a career reading, it may signify that it’s time your career had a change, too. You may feel stuck or stagnant at your current job, or like it’s not providing what you need it to, financially or professionally. It may be time to pursue your dream career, or at least browse other job possibilities online. The Eight of Cups may also represent traveling for work, or finding new ways to make your business a success if you’re a business owner.
Health and wellness Upright, the Eight of Cups urges you to reach out for help. The Eight of Cups is often associated with feelings of withdrawal, isolation, or surrender. You may be feeling worse-for-wear, mental health-wise, and drawing into yourself. But isolation can make your mental health worse, and a little socialization can go a long way. If you can, ask a friend to hang out, or even attend a concert or sit in a coffee shop to get some exposure to other people, which helps your world feel a little less small.
Spirituality The upright Eight of Cups represents a new spiritual journey. No matter what you’ve achieved or how far you’ve come in your spiritual journey, there’s always more to learn. This card suggests the beginning of another journey that will bring you closer to fulfillment. But first, it’s important to contemplate what you’ve already achieved. Take a moment to mediate on your spirituality. Ask yourself: What do you want to know or be revealed to you? What would help you feel fulfilled?
Reversed Meanings
General The reversed Eight of Cups represents fear or confusion about the future. The upside-down wanderer suggests that you feel anxious or uncertain about the road ahead. You may be caught in routine or feel uninspired, but feel that routine is more comfortable than expanding your horizons. This card reminds you that venturing forward is the only way to grow. The reversed Eight of Cups also represents monotony, false happiness, low self-esteem, or surrender.
Love and relationshipsThe reversed Eight of Cups tells you to reevaluate your relationships. It may not be time to move on completely, but this card suggests that you take stock of your romance, friendship, and family ties. Ask yourself if they make you happy, or if you only tolerate them because that’s the path of least resistance. It may be time to mend any broken relationships by reaching out with a letter or a phone call If you’re single, this card suggests that you may need to raise your standards for potential partners to find someone who’ll treat you the way you deserve.
Career and finances Reversed, the Eight of Cups urges you to embrace opportunities. You’re learning to embrace change and make the most of your circumstances. That extends to your career as well. You may be hesitant to step away from your job, but don’t let opportunities like job offers or the possibility of a promotion pass you by. Take a risk in order to move forward professionally. Consider asking for a pay raise to make your pay more closely match what you’re worth as an employee.
Health and wellness The reversed Eight of Cups tells you to take control of your health. You might be postponing that exercise routine, or keep falling back on junk food as an easy meal. But the reversed Eight of Cups comes to tell you that you can make big steps toward a better and healthier you, and there’s no reason to wait any longer. The sooner you make healthy choices, the happier you’ll be. Plan an exercise schedule to make it easier to stick to a routine. Also, make a meal plan to make cooking during the week easier and more achievable.
Spirituality A reversed Eight of Cups tells you to appreciate spiritual steps. It’s easy to get caught up in the spiritual destination—fulfillment, happiness, security—and forget that the journey is just as important. This card reminds you that every step you take, however small, is elegant and important. Take some time to appreciate how far you’ve come, and to revel in the process. Do something today that makes you feel good, whether that’s taking a warm bath, eating an indulgent meal, or spending some time with friends. The present is just as important as the future!
Eight of Cups in Yes or No Questions
The upright Eight of Cups represents a “yes.” When doing a tarot reading to answer a yes-or-no question, the upright Eight of Cups indicates a “yes” answer. However, it warns that though you may get what you want, you might come to find that it wasn’t really what you needed. The reversed Eight of Cups indicates a “no,” but you may find that “no” is the more helpful answer that will push you toward growth.
Eight of Cups Appearance and Symbolism
The Eight of Cups features a wandering pilgrim seeking purpose. His red cloak calls to mind fire and passion. The water in the background of the card’s art suggests flow, or loosening our resistance. The water becomes shallower as it travels toward the 8 goblets in the foreground, implying dried-up motivation or a lack of fulfillment. The crescent moon in the sky represents the phases of our lives and the pursuit of growth. The card also features a rocky landscape, and the figure holds a walking stick, suggesting a long or arduous journey. Water in tarot is closely related to the suit of cups, and often signifies calmness or serenity. Note that this appearance describes the classic Rider-Waite tarot deck. The card may vary depending on which tarot deck you use.
Significant Card Combinations
With the Sun The Sun is the card of growth, clarity, and new beginnings. While the Eight of Cups indicates that you’ll soon embark on a new journey, The Sun assures you that it’ll be a worthwhile and illuminating journey that promotes maturity, discovery, and deeper understanding of the world around you.
With the Emperor The Emperor represents strategy, authority, and practicality. When drawn with the Eight of Cups, it comes as a helpful suggestion to seek advice from your close family, friends, or even coworkers about whatever journey you’re on. For example, you might ask them if they think a new job opportunity is wise, or how to handle a turbulent romance.
With the Six of Wands The Six of Wands represents victory, honor, motivation, and illumination. It comes as a promise that the journey foretold by the Eight of Cups with be a successful one, and one that results in abundance, fulfillment, and new motivation for other journeys beyond that.
With the Knight of Wands The Knight of Wands is associated with boldness, surprise, and raucous energy. It alters the energy of the Eight of Wands and urges you to be more spontaneous with your decisions, and more high-spirited as you make them. Sometimes a bold statement is best.
With the Five of Swords Interpret the Five of Swords to mean faith, trust, and fortitude. It tells you that though the road ahead may be long or arduous, you have the skills and experience to make it through to the other side. Stay motivated and keep your mind on your goals in order to achieve them.
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